My Mom is My Superhero!

Sharing some things my mom has taught me. 

Every year for my mom’s birthday I always share a couple of vital things she taught me. The reason why I love them so much, and why they shaped me to be who I am today is because she taught me these things, not with words, but with her actions. 

There is alot that I can say about my mom. I know we all can. But there is something about a women who has literally been through hell since a child and by the beautiful grace of God, has come out with the softest sweetest heart. I wish I could tell you her story, but it’s her story to tell and I hope on day she writes a book about it. But until then, I’ll share these few things:

1.Faith: I was raised in church all my life. And she always (and still does rely on her faith). I have seen her stand on her faith through some PRETTY ROUGH stuff and through those times I know I have questioned God, but she never did.  Now, as an adult with two children of my own, looking back, we lived and survived off of her faith. I want to pass that on to my boys. To know that they can always rely on God when people and life fails us. 

2. Work Ethic: My mom was a single mother, and yes God took care of us and we always had MORE than enough and never went without. But, my mom was a HARD WORKER TOO! I remember she would get up at 4: 00 am every morning, run a home day care all day so she could still be home with us kids, go to school at night, then come home and stay up to 2 am studying to get her degree (which she graduated top in her class). 

I am a millennial. However, if you compare our mindset to others it’s no where near the same. Now please understand what I mean here, this is not in any way to say we are better or saying all are like this. But, I have also worked with many who have no work ethic and just feel like the are entitled to everything. We were taught to work hard for our money. No matter what job we had at the moment we were to treat it as though we were the owner’s of that business. She taught us that being on time was arriving 10 minutes early. The biggest take away, was always do more than what you are asked and get paid to do. Which you don’t see nowadays. Most just do the bare minimum to collect a check. I’ve worked since I was 16 years old and I have gotten so many opportunities because of this work ethic. 

3. Grace: Gosh, I wish I could tell you all the stories. But I will just share one. Our family went through HELL a few years ago. It was messy, like really messy. Without going into too much detail, she got the slap in the face of a life time. A few years later, I saw with my own eyes as she gave this person her lunch. I was stunned and bit angry as this was one of the people who had caused us both great pain and was extended this kind of grace. Again that is truly the heart she has. Today she turns 55 years old and to this day I have never heard her say a negative word about a single person… now that’s a gift! 

4. Moms has superpowers. Yes we do. We always tease and call her the “energizer bunny,” because she just keeps going and going. She has had bronchitis for a few weeks and she still goes to work, cleans her house,
Etc... I know the sacrifices I make as a mom, which makes me understand the sacrifices she made for us kids. Her’s were a billions times harder, and I know that she would do it all over again for us. 

5. Creativity: All my creative fun ideas for holidays and kiddo fun comes from her. She always made holidays and birthdays so special and amazing. It was something I always remembered as a child and knew I wanted to pass down to my kids. 

You can’t cross paths with her and not have your life changed or impacted in some way. Just ask anyone who has. They will tell you the same thing. She is my mom, but also my best friend. She still spoils me with stuff I want from Target (LOL). She is truly and gift from Heaven and I AM SO THANKFUL GOD GAVE HER TO BE MY MOMMY! 

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