Baby #2 is a...

Baby #2 is a...


Ah, I can't believe it and we are so excited! Hudson's face in this photos are priceless. He didn't know if it was a boy or a girl, so this was all for him. And he is still talking about it. He is so excited to be a big brother and keeps asking "if its time for baby brother to come home." He even keeps telling me that maybe "baby brother is playing a trick and is a girl." haha It's for sure a boy!

I am so excited it's a boy! I, of course, didn't care either way. I know women say that all the time, but truly, when you have been through infertility, all you want is a healthy baby. The gender is a bonus. I really did want another boy tho. And this was just like the extra kiss from heaven. Really proves that God even cares about the smallest desires of our heart. And here we are.

We were lucky enough to do the blood test and find out at 11 weeks. Which is so different, because we didn't find out what we were having with Hudson til 20 weeks. So it has been fun getting a head start and to be able to pick out clothes as we shop. However, I kept every little thing of Hudson's (literally everything) so I am so glad I saved it all.

There is nothing like being a boy mom! And there are two lucky girls in the world (or not yet born) who will get to have amazing husbands and fathers. 

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