Sweaters + Shorts

Sweater: Boohoo (50% off making it under $20!) also love this one and this one | Shorts: Topshop | Heels: Kristin Cavallari | Sunglasses: Quay Australia | Bag: Target | Lipstick: MAC in "Creme Cup" with this lip liner in "Soar"

The weather is still playing tricks on us over here in Arizona. So lately it has been sweaters and shorts.

You may have noticed that one of my favorite stores to shop at is Boohoo. They have the cutest stuff and everything is always 50% off and sometimes even 60% off!

Bell sleeve sweaters...well bell sleeve anything are a huge hit right now and this sweater is just the cutest and under $20. I love that it has a bit of a high neck, just something a little different than the typical scoop neck ones you see. I also linked two other bell sleeve sweaters (above and below in the widget) that I love that are all also 50% today!

I paired it with these shoes that are one of my favorites! I think it is the shape of the heel and peep toe. They come in 5 different colors, including a berry wine color, which I am obsessed with for the holidays!

Hope your having a wonderful day!

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