Happy 2nd Birthday Hudson Brave!

Shirt: ily Coutures | Shorts: HM similar here 

Airplane Decals: Here and here | Cloud Decals: Here

I can't believe I am sitting here right this blog post. It feels just like a couple of months ago, I was writing his birth story. These past two years have been the best two years of my life. Yes, I have endured many hardships during those two years, but having Hudson has truly made it the greatest. Sometimes as mommy's, you are living life as "mommy" that all the difficulties in life just sort of shift out of focus, because your are mommy focused.

Hudson is our miracle baby, you can read the full story here. Long story short, it took a lot of prayer, faith, and tears to get him here. And I am grateful for that season of life and so thankful I didn't give up.

These pictures are cute and all, but they truly depict who Hudson truly is. He is full of joy and happiness. Yes, he has that smile on his face ALL DAY LONG. Really he does. I love this stage. To be honest, I have loved every stage. They each have their ups and downs, but I am having so much fun with Hudson right now. He is my best bud and we can sit and chat all day long.

I am writing this for Hudson to read one day. And so I can remember all these memories years from now.

Ten Things I Love About You

1. I love that you love to love. Your favorite thing to do right now is grab your pillow and a pillow for me and lay it out on the living room floor with a blanket and say cuddle with mom".

2. I love that you find joy in the simple small things. Like how you pick up all the rocks and put them into buckets. Or using your little shovel to pick up sand and put it in your dumb truck. Or just going to Pet Smart to look at the snakes. It doesn't take much to make you happy.

3. I love that when you go potty, you want me to go with you (like sit and the big potty and go). And every morning when you put on a new pair of underwear on you say "Don't-pee-pee-in-the-choines." You have been so fun to potty train.

4. I love that you want get so excited to show me everything. You wave your hand back and forth and say "come on mom, let me show, come here" or "look what I got." It actually might be my favorite thing right now.

5. I love that you are so polite and sweet. Not only to me, but to others. You always say "please" and "thank you."

6. I love how I am still your "favorite." If I even leave the room, you immediately take notice and come to be with me. Your my little sidekick. And I love it!

7. I love that you love to play "eye spy". It makes meal times so fun and gives us and extra bond.

8. I love all your facial expressions. You make pictures memorable, and keep me laughing all day long.

9. I love that you love to sing. Your favorites right now are:
Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star
You are my Sunshine
Daddy Finger

10. I love that your mine. I am so thankful God chose me to be your mommy. I feel extra special that He gave me you! I love you forever and always Hudson Brave. Don't forget it.


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